M: What have you seen from the D over the last year As far as his development and growth?
K: I mean, he's obviously a special player.He does a lot of things that not many guys can do as far as the way he can sit around defenders or get a shot off or even,I think, coming into the league.Maybe his playmaking was a little bit underrated,You see a lot of plays that he makes for his linemates.So he's had a great start to his career.'m sure he'll continue to get better.
M: He said he's probably not going to try to bump you like he did last year, But if he does,you got a response from him.
K: we'll see what happens, last year I think I said that he had the bubble on, so he's lucky I didn't come back to him.hopefully I don't get hit by him this year. it was a pretty good hit up against the wall. I didn't know he had the physicality, so maybe maybe I let up a little bit.