Breaking News: Fanatics controversy stirs as Fans and players express displeasure with cheap uniforms

Joshua Deeds
February 15, 2024  (7:58 PM)

It's a fanatics

Since it began producing merchandise for multiple leagues and teams, Fanatics has not made many fans.

Spring training for MLB teams has begun as the 2024 season approaches.
A new campaign has been launched, a new jersey partner has been selected, and Nike has contracted Fanatics to produce its football and baseball jerseys. Needless to say, it's not going well.
As NHL fans, the new controversy surrounding MLB jerseys is "great" news since this is what we can look forward to.
The product is infamous for its lack of quality, and even professional sports stars seem to loathe it.
A number of MLB stars and reporters have trashed the poorly made productions on Twitter.
In addition to manufacturing jerseys for MLB, NFL, and NHL, Fanatics has also expanded into NCAA Football with Nike(in 2024) and the Tokoyo Giants.
So the diversity of garbage products will be increasing everywhere.
"They look cheap," one Cardinals player said.

"I don't like them," another Cardinals pitcher said.

Cardinals pitcher Miles Mikolas also said that the uniforms "don't fit right" and that the fabric differs from the material used in the past. The side-by-side of the two Mariners uniforms also details part of what is wrong with the new batch. Not only has the quality taken a hit, but the sizing, particularly of the names, has also shrunk.

Several Angels players also took to bashing the new uniforms, including outfielder Taylor Ward, who told The Athletic the new jersey "looks like a replica."

«It feels kind of like papery. It could be great when you're out there sweating, it may be breathable. But I haven't had that opportunity yet to try that out. But from the looks of it, it doesn't look like a $450 jersey," Ward said. "So far, thumbs down."

Reliever Carlos Estevez even described the pants worn as feeling "like I'm wearing someone else's pants." And several pitchers have since complained about the pants, which The Athletic reported are no longer specifically tailored to pitchers, meaning the distinct tight-pants look of several arms like Robbie Ray and Tommy Kahnle could be going away.

As well as diminishing quality, Nike has eliminated iconic logos and colors from its baseball clothing, starting with the Cubs' iconic blue uniforms, which were changed into a different shade of blue and did away with the Cardinals on a Bat for the St. Louis Cardinals.
It seems that Fanatics instead of producing quality uniforms has decided to euthanize the iconic logo.
Is this the kind of oversight we will be seeing on ice, or lack thereof?
Gary Bettman and the NHL should be ashamed, as this is more or less a new era in cash-grabbing.
Hopefully, SP (which makes the NHL jerseys) in Quebec can stop the race to the bottom in sportswear.
As Seen On: sportingnews.com
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Breaking News: Fanatics controversy stirs as Fans and players express displeasure with cheap uniforms

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