Blackhawks receive a message from the NHL regarding pride night

Joshua Deeds
October 7, 2023  (4:45)

A new set of guidelines on promotional nights and specialty nights has been issued by the NHL and Gary Bettman. The guidance is intended to help teams and players participate in events such as First Responders Night.

Several NHL teams sought updated guidance regarding the NHL's new memo issued this week, according to a source. There were some NHL teams who felt the guidance was too restrictive.
In the new memo, restrictions on ice were clarified, along with what players should do off the ice.
In late June, NHL commissioner Gary Bettman told Sportsnet that teams will no longer wear specialty sweaters during warmups because "it's become a distraction." He said teams could still host specialty nights and create and sell sweaters for various charities associated with the causes.

"Players who choose to model them can do that," Bettman said. "It's really just the question of what's on the ice.

It states that teams can host groups at the games and that players may wear whatever they wish. Specialty causes will also be allowed to be celebrated and supported, according to the memo. While players will be free to whatever they want.
It outlined what is permitted during nights like Black History Night, Hockey Fights Cancer Night, Military Appreciation Night, and Pride Night, the latter of which caused the most controversy in the league during the 2022-2023 season.
As a result of the backlash to pride nights, the NHL announced players would no longer wear speciality warmup jerseys on the ice.
"Players shall not be put in the position of having to demonstrate (or where they may be appearing to demonstrate) personal support for any Special Initiatives. A factor that may be considered in this regard includes, for example, whether a Player (or Players) is required to be in close proximity to any groups or individuals visibly or otherwise clearly associated with such Special Initiative(s)."

More than eight teams have raised concerns about the memo, which stated that the players would not be put in a position to defend their stance on specialty initiatives. The refusal to wear pride night jerseys is believed to be the cause of this position.
Teams asked how players would factor in "I Fight Cancer For ___" placards and wearing poppies on Remembrance Day due to the confusing rules.
As the memo stated, teams should not wear specialty jerseys on ice, and players should not be forced to participate in events regarding special causes in fear of retribution.
Once again, Gary Bettman demonstrates his incompetence by creating opaque rules that need to be clarified multiple times.
As Seen On: espn.com
Blackhawks receive a message from the NHL regarding pride night

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