Carey Price Addresses His Addiction Challenge and More in Recent Interview

Sam Walker
January 12, 2023  (12:48)

Given that Carey Price just revealed that he and his wife will be relocating across the nation to be with their families, it seems reasonable to assume that Price will not be making a comeback to hockey. Not only that, but Price also entered the NHL Players Assistance program after battling addiction. Price has suffered from serious knee problems over the previous several seasons that have been classified by doctors as "risky" to return to play.

Since Price retired from the sport, he has participated in a few podcasts to discuss his career but hasn't brought up his addiction because it is a sensitive issue.
Price just participated in a podcast with the hosts of the well-known French show "Blue Rocket," and it was broadcasted yesterday night. Price discussed his addiction openly and provided details about it.
Brought to you by HockeyPatrol.com, here are quotes from one segment of the interview:
Why did you sign up for the NHL's assistance program?
"The NHL has substance abuse support programs, it's a really good program for players, whether it's mental health or substance abuse and I felt like I was due.

I started drinking for fun, and I thought I was very good, even excelled, but it got to the point where it wasn't fun anymore. I would wake up on Sunday mornings and say to myself that I would never do that again in my life, but I would always do it again.

It got to the point where I really needed to stop and it was time to get help.

And that's the hardest part of breaking bad habits, is realising that you need help and there's nothing wrong with that. Everyone asks for help in their lives. I felt that asking for help was the right thing to do and it worked for me."

How does the process work?
"The NHL signs you up for a program. There are a few different ways to do it. You can do it from a facility or you can do it at home. I found the best thing for me was to take a step back and walk away and go reset my brain.

I went to a place where I felt comfortable. So to be able to go there and to be able to interact with people who have gone through difficult times and where I went, there were very bright people. Very functional people who you would never think would have problems.

And to be able to hear stories and compare yourself to other people who were going through the same kind of thing, maybe not NHL hockey players, but people who are struggling in everyday life. And to be able to reset my brain and hold myself accountable was really a turning point in my life."

What's it like to open up when everyone's looking at you?
"For a lot of NHL players, that's the hardest part, probably for most of the people who rip it off, too: the judgment. Once you get past that and understand that people aren't judging you and you can be proud and be yourself when you go out.

When I was going out, I used to drink a lot to be socially comfortable because I'm quite introverted and I get anxiety when we're in big groups. You might not think so, but that's the way I am and it led me to drink excessively. So I was thinking about changing my approach at social events and being myself and it's been a good change."

Were you relieved after that rehab? Not just about the drinking, did you think you were back with humans and people realised you weren't a robot?
When you play hockey, people don't see you as a normal person. They see a uniform, a character on the ice. To get away from that and bring a reality to a situation can help."

The full podcast can be seen below:

Credit: Hockeypatrol.com
Carey Price Addresses His Addiction Challenge and More in Recent Interview

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