Gary Bettman Caught in a Lie During Lawsuit Against Deceased Chicago Blackhawks' Players Family

Sam Walker
April 25, 2023  (6:15 PM)

For many years, scientific research and testing have been conducted to identify the CTE long-risk health issues associated with hockey players and sportsmen in general.

The family of former NHL player Steve Montador has recently filed a lawsuit against the league for a "wrongful death," and Gary Bettman is finding himself in additional trouble. Take a look below:
The @NHL has reached a new low on #CTE. Defending the Steve Montador wrongful death suit, NHL says "(He was) educated by NHLPA reps about CTE & potential long-term risks of head injuries." Yet the NHL has ALWAYS denied the link. Watch Gary Bettman say it- does this mean
that the NHL is admitting they are deliberately misleading players, the public, & youth hockey families on the connection between #CTE & hockey? If the NHLPA spoke the truth in 2013, does that mean the NHL has been lying for a decade? Thoughts welcome

It is also being reported that it's been stated as the following 'his issue' for not stopping play:
«Montador was told by multiple specialists that he should stop playing hockey due to his concussion history but ignored these medical professionals and continued his career, suffering additional head injuries,» the NHL wrote. «Montador also expressly told Blackhawks' medical personnel that he assumed the risk of continuing to play hockey at the professional level.»

Dr. Michael Terry, the Blackhawks' team doctor, also spoke with Montador in November 2012 and concluded Montador understood the potential long-term risks associated with brain injuries, the NHL wrote.

«In January 2013, Dr. Terry told Montador that he was still under playing restrictions and could not engage in any contact,» the NHL wrote. «Montador was also told he should not work out at all – even without contact – through any symptoms associated with head injuries and should stop working out if any symptoms appeared. Nevertheless, in February 2013, Montador told Dr. Terry that despite those playing restrictions, Montador had worked out with other players and had participated in some contact and collision activities. Dr. Terry told Montador he had done this expressly against the Blackhawks' medical advice and direction.»
Source: Bladeofsteel.com
AVRIL 25   |   158 ANSWERS
Gary Bettman Caught in a Lie During Lawsuit Against Deceased Chicago Blackhawks' Players Family

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