Popular Hockey Video Game Announces Significant Change

Ryan Hall
August 17, 2023  (10:04)

As a man born in 1980, I, along with many of my friends, grew up watching the rise of the video game industry. Over the years, numerous conversations took place about which game to buy and on which system to play, whether it was Sega Genesis, Nintendo, or even Super Nintendo.

As we outgrew these systems, new ones like PlayStation and Xbox emerged, but one game always remained a constant presence: the NHL series.

From NHL 94, which is still widely played on emulators, to the early 2000s and up to NHL 23, hockey fans who are also gamers have consistently looked forward to the annual release of the new edition and the changes it brings.

One element of the game that has remained relatively unchanged is the lineup of announcers who call the game and deliver the iconic quotes that everyone remembers. Jim Hughson, a name synonymous with the game, has been a constant presence who then was replaced by James Cybluski. The other iconic voice of EA's series is former NHL star Ray Ferraro.

However with Ferraro stepping away from his role a recent announcement has shaken up this familiar setup. In his place, Cheryl Pounder will take over, marking a significant change that will undoubtedly impact many fans who have grown accustomed to Ferraro's famous quotes.

While the shift to Pounder may come as a surprise, her qualifications for the role are undeniably strong. With an extensive background in broadcasting for TSN, where she has called games and provided insightful commentary, Pounder's transition to the video game world is backed by her experience as a former hockey player and Olympic gold medalist.

Her credentials speak volumes and validate her suitability for the position.

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Popular Hockey Video Game Announces Significant Change

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