Fleury Debuts New Gold Pads in Minnesota- Fleury's Gear Through the Years (VIDEO)

April 5, 2022  (4:18 PM)

We knew it was only a matter of time before Marc-André Fleury returned to gold pads. His penchant for flash and flare was apparent from the beginning with his bright yellow Cape Breton Screaming Eagle and Pittsburgh Penguin pads.

Even when he switched to the white after suffering an ankle injury (and a tip from an Ottawa optometrist), you didn't have to look hard to find the splash of Pittsburgh gold. Of course by then (2008), everyone had become so accustomed to his yellow pads, and he was so beloved by his fans, he actually issued an apology to the parents of all the kids who'd made their parents buy them yellow pads. Gold isn't too far off from yellow, and actually sported his first all gold pads in an outdoor game against - yep - the Chicago Blackhawks.
Eventually, Fleury would trade his Pittsburgh gold for Vegas gold, but kept with the white pads to start. But when he debuted his golden gear, everyone knew that look was here to stay. And even though the Penguins are my home team, and in my heart he'll always be a Penguin, I have to say the Vegas mask, with the dark gray jerseys and gold pads is my favorite look for him to date.

Unfortunately, gold didn't really work in Chicago, but Fleury being Fleury, you knew he wouldn't settle for anything «plain». Going for the classic leather look, his Chicago pads fit perfectly for an Original Six team. And the mask Ojibway artist Patrick Hunter designed is easily one of my all-time faves. He's even still wearing it in Minnesota, just with the front feathers covered up for the Wild logo. But the flowers on the sides and the dedications in the back remain the same, which still works for this team, so we'll see if he keeps it.

The leather pads worked in Minnesota for a while, and he just covered up the red and black with green. But nowour flourishing flower is back in bright and shining armor, standing out in gear as he does in talent.
The new look will get its debut tonight against the Nashville Predators.
AVRIL 5   |   231 ANSWERS
Fleury Debuts New Gold Pads in Minnesota- Fleury's Gear Through the Years (VIDEO)

Which set of Fleurys pads are your favorite?

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