The super cool security guard standing next to me called the arena "intimate." That's a good word for it.
- There was a security guard next to me because "press row" is just roped off bar seating
- I apologize if the words "fries" or "pretzel" show up in my article because I was listening to all the concession stand debates around me since the line was right up against my seat
- On the other end of the eavesdropping... multiple fans were reading my article over my shoulder as I wrote (people, please don't. It's just awkward)
- There was a little kid dancing down the concourse pulling his pants up
- There was, indeed, a mullet at Mullett. But it wasn't an Arizona person. He was wearing a Carter Hart jersey
- You can feel the excitement of the crowd... literally. They're right in front of me
- Every seat is a good seat because you're so close to the ice.
- The graphics were super cool, from what I could tell, but the scoreboard is like a sixth of the size of the WFC one
- Once you enter the arena, you have to walk outside (like fresh air and bugs) to access certain areas
- Before the game, they played the "Ole" song on repeat. I don't remember if it was actually played in the game. It's all a blur
- The Dancing Shirt Man was absolutely the best part. I don't want to spoil it for people who haven't experienced him, but I couldn't stop smiling watching him. And I want whatever he had for energy.